🎆Quick Start

For people who don't have much time

The Docs are compatible for v1.4.1!

If you are using an older version, make sure you update it with

npm i lol.db@1.4.1

Start āļž

Before you jump into the methods, you need to know how to install and start the database.

First, let's install the actuall package by typing this in your terminal / shell:

npm i lol.db

Now, to setup, you have to know two usefull things:

  • You can add a custom path to your own database file

  • If you use a function with invalid syntax, it will return a warning. You can disable those warning if you want... (NOT RECOMMENDED)

Here is an example setup:

const db = require("lol.db")("path/to/file.extension", true) // true if you want to disable, false if you want to enable the warningns

Remember that these are totally OPTIONAL. You DO NOT need to set anything inside the (), but you still need to put the () after the require function. āļž


Last updated